InnoSec participated in the FOSSCOMM (Free and Open Source Software Communities Meeting) 2018 conference that took place on Crete island, Greece between the 13th and 14th of October 2018. FOSSCOMM is the Panhellenic conference of free and open source software communities, where several open-source software communities participated in it, including the Hellenic Linux User Group (HELLUG) and contributors of open source projects, such as Mozilla, Fedora, openSUSE and KDE.

Arnold Spyros from InnoSec gave a talk about open-source technologies within the concept of self-healing systems, presenting the main concepts of self-healing systems and the benefits of using open-source technologies for implementing self-healing mechanisms. Moreover, the CS-AWARE project was presented, as well as the innovative self-healing system that is developed within the CS-AWARE framework. The presentation included a description of the CS-AWARE project and its objective, as well as a comprehensive description of the self-healing component and the value it adds to the project.

Self-healing is one of the building blocks comprising the CS-AWARE architecture and it is responsible for composing the appropriate mitigation rules for a given threat that was identified by the system. The mitigation rules it composes protect the availability of the system, while they simultaneously reduce the required human interaction and the administrator is therefore able to manage the system more efficiently. Although the CS-AWARE self-healing component has the ability to automatically diagnose and mitigate threats, it keeps the system administrators aware of its intentions and in control, so that they can prevent configuration changes that may yield functionality and/or availability issues.

Arnold Spyros
InnoSec, Greece