CS-AWARE Corp. is a spin-out company of the H2020 CS-AWARE project. The company was established in June 2020, and aims to commercialise the outcomes and the results of the CS-AWARE project, contributing to a long-lasting impact and value creation.
The CS-AWARE project finished in August 2020, nevertheless, all former project partners are in some way involved in the newly-established CS-AWARE company. The CS-AWARE Corporation OÜ was formed by seven founders and is registered in Estonia as a Private Limited Company (registry code 16083086).

Dr Jerry Andriessen is an experienced researcher and project manager, with more than 100 journal and book publications on children’s writing, collaborative learning, ICT in education, argumentation and arguing to learn. Coordinated the LEAD – 6th framework project, and participated as local project leader in 6 other EU projects since 2000. He was project manager in 3 EU-funded Research and Innovation projects and scientific coordinator in one IP. Participated in the design of 3 ICT environments for supporting argumentation (Digalo, Drew, and CoFFEE). He is an expert in qualitative and quantitative techniques for analysing interactions during collaborative learning activities. Experienced in teacher training workshops. The latest EU project CS-AWARE centres around cybersecurity awareness and experiences there seem to be especially beneficial for this project. His role there was to elaborate the user perspective, which includes their organisation, their objectives and expectations, conducting and analysing usability trials, and to evaluate the actual impact of the technology on the users and their organisation. He is currently the director of Wise & Munro Learning Research (est. 2008), dedicated to supporting users in the design and appropriation of interactive technology.
Kim Gammelgaard is the CEO and co-founder of RheaSoft ApS. He is an experienced Project Manager, Key Account Manager, Team Leader, and IT Solution Architect. He has more than 20 years of experience in the IT business, including executing, managing and supervising projects, delivering and selling IT development, operations, products as well as being team leader for more than a decade. He is also a member of the The Danish ICT Industry Association IT Security Committee. Former and current tasks: CEO at Rheasoft ApS, Key Account Manager and Solution Architect at CloudPartners, Development domain, team leader and project manager at TDC, the Danish telco, for the GIS/network infrastructure area. In his career, he has been working on and with international projects for more than 35 years. He won the silver medal in the Michigan Science Olympics computer programming competition in 1983 but wanted to open his world view before starting an IT career, so he became Bachelor of Philosophy at Aarhus University, before going back to the IT business in 1998.
Dr Adamantios Koumpis is currently working as Dozent at the Business School of the Berner Fachhochschule. Before joining the team at the Institute Digital Enabling at the Berner Fachhochschule, Adamantios was Research Fellow at the University of Passau in Germany since June 2014, and before this at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics at the National University of Ireland, Galway since December 2012. Prior to this position, he headed the Research Programmes Division of ALTEC Software S.A. in Greece which he founded in 1996 (then as Unisoft of Northern Greece). He has successfully led more than 50 commercial and research projects for new technology development, technology adoption and user uptake, both at the European and the national level in several areas such as E-Commerce, public sector and business enterprise re-organisation and information logistics, involving the linking of data/information repositories with knowledge management and business engineering models. His research interests include quantitative decision-making techniques and Information Society economics.
Dr Alexandros Papanikolaou is CEO & Co-founder of InnoSec, a company specialising in information security services. He is a researcher in the wider field of Information Security with more than 15 years of experience. He holds a BSc in Computer Science and a PhD in Cryptography and Information Security, both from Aston University (Birmingham, UK). He has participated in research projects related to Cyber Security, network security and embedded systems security, and has produced more than 30 publications on these topics. His research interests include the evolution of cryptographic techniques and their applications, IoT security and intelligent intrusion detection systems.
Prof Juha Röning is Professor of Embedded Systems at the University of Oulu. He serves also as Visiting Professor of Tianjin University of Technology, P. R. China. He is principal investigator of the Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group (BISG). In 1985 he received an Asla/Fullbright scholarship. From 1985 to 1986 he was a visiting research scientist in the Centre for Robotic Research at the University of Cincinnati. From 1986 to 1989 he held a Young Researcher Position in the Finnish Academy. In 2000 he was nominated as Fellow of SPIE. He has three patents and has published more than 300 papers in the areas of computer vision, robotics, intelligent signal analysis, and software security. He is currently serving as a Board of Director for euRobotics aisbl. He is also a steering board member of ARTMIS-IA.
Dr Thomas Schaberreiter earned his Master’s degree in Telematics with distinction from the Graz University of Technology (Austria) in 2009. In 2013, he received his PhD as a double degree from the University of Oulu (Finland) and the University of Luxembourg. During his PhD studies he was working at the Public Research Centre Henri Tudor in Luxembourg. His PhD topic was centred around Critical Infrastructure Protection, with a focus on proposing an online risk monitoring and prediction framework that highlights the interdependencies among critical infrastructures and the diversity of critical infrastructure sectors, based on a Bayesian model. Thomas has been working at the Oulu University Secure Programming Group (OUSPG) as a postdoctoral researcher till 2016, and a post-doctoral researcher at the Multimedia Information Systems (MIS) research group of the University of Vienna Faculty of Computer Science till 12/2020. His current professional interest lies in the security of complex systems and networks.
Chris Wills is the senior partner of Caris Partnership, and a Director of CARIS Research Ltd, prior to which he worked as the Director of an Information Systems research centre at Kingston University, London. His specialist areas of interest are those of Socio-Technical systems analysis and design of cybersecurity systems, software process in safety critical systems and threat and risk assessment in ITC systems. Chris is an analyst designer with more than 30 years experience in the formulation of user requirements and in the design of socio-technical systems. He has managed and undertaken IS and computing research and consultancy projects on behalf of a range of organisations, including the UK’s Defence Evaluation Research Agency, for whom he undertook work for the Royal Navy, scoping the design of naval command and control systems. Other consultancy projects include UK’s MOD TriServices, the UK Police Service, the Health Service, the UK’s Department for Transport, the UITP and several projects for The Mass Transit Railway Corporation of Hong Kong. Most recently, he has worked as a member of the CS-AWARE project, leading the socio-technical analysis of the cybersecurity situations in the two major European cities that were partners in the project. Chris is a Freeman of the City of London, and a Liveryman of the City of London’s Worshipful Company of Information Technologists.