
Cyber Security Act Regulation: An Italian Perspective

One year after the Network and Information Security Directive, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the Cyber Security Act Regulation. The two acts, together with the GDPR, constitute the pan-European digital security system, according to an article signed by Isabella Alessandrucci, Lawyer and Auditor ISO / IEC27001 - 37001 - 9001 on Digital [...]

2019-11-10T19:24:20+00:00November 6th, 2019|Blog|

Governments need to fund adequately their innovation efforts

While the Government here in Italy has announced various changes and plans to reorganize the cybersecurity effort on a national level, it is not clear the practical effect of these proposals. Recently the organization of a new ministry for technological innovation and digitalization with Paola Pisano as its head was announced.  Already from the initial [...]

2019-10-30T09:56:32+00:00October 25th, 2019|Blog|

System and dependency analysis workshop in Larissa and Rome – The difference in conducting analysis in a mid-sized and a large municipality

In a previous blog post we discussed the third round of system and dependency analysis workshops conducted in the context of the CS-AWARE project in the municipalities of Larissa and Rome. In this post we would like to discuss in a bit more detail our experiences of the similarities and differences of conducting the workshop [...]

2019-11-22T09:26:59+00:00October 10th, 2019|Blog|

The best training is … no training (or the value of building intuitive systems like ours!)

Some weeks before, in that period that Germans call “Sommerloch” (good question how to translate this in English: something like a summer gap might make sense…) we had the opportunity to look to some other projects, and how they support dissemination and uptake through leveraging training activities for potential customers and end users so that [...]

2019-09-11T13:59:24+00:00September 11th, 2019|Blog|

Vulnerabilities in organisations websites

Many web sites and electronic infrastructures of organisations have various security vulnerabilities and are subject to cyberattacks with significant consequences on organisations. Successful cyberattacks lead to consequences which have a direct impact on organisations’ infrastructure, leading to Malfunction of the organisation's electronic services, as well as other sectors. Successful attacks may lead to negative reputation [...]

2020-10-12T10:28:38+00:00August 30th, 2019|Blog|

Identifying Cybersecurity Anomalies with Risk Potential

When aiming to monitor an organization’s security 24/7, apart from breaches and attacks that are detected by existing tools, IT security specialists are interested in potential anomalies that seem transitory within IT systems. Sometimes such anomalies are just a random occurrence of multiple factors due to a pure technical set-up; other times they may have [...]

2019-10-03T14:36:54+00:00August 23rd, 2019|Blog|

System dependency workshop in Larissa and Rome – Context and procedures

In October this year we concluded the third round of a series of three one week long systems and dependency analysis workshops. A one week long workshop was held in Larissa and in Rome, with the purpose of identifying potentially malicious behaviour within the services we are monitoring within the CS-AWARE pilot, and how this [...]

2019-11-22T09:19:45+00:00July 19th, 2019|Blog|

Who does my Android phone tell about me? Looking at the BLOKADA log file

Blokada is a program, which sets itself up as a VPN. Think of a VPN like a street your data passes through before entering the highway of the Internet. Blokada looks for traffic to and from addresses related to advertising and tracking in general. When it finds such, it tells Android that this address is [...]

2019-06-26T09:49:43+00:00June 26th, 2019|Blog|

InnoSec presents CS-AWARE in the FOSSCOMM 2018 conference

InnoSec participated in the FOSSCOMM (Free and Open Source Software Communities Meeting) 2018 conference that took place on Crete island, Greece between the 13th and 14th of October 2018. FOSSCOMM is the Panhellenic conference of free and open source software communities, where several open-source software communities participated in it, including the Hellenic Linux User Group [...]

2019-06-06T07:58:39+00:00June 6th, 2019|Blog|
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